St. Edmund Campion Catholic Church
Ut unum sint
"That they may be one"
“That they may be one.” The heart of Jesus, as revealed in his farewell discourse in John 17, is that Christians would share in the unity that he shared with the Father. Such a witness of unity would be a witness to the world.
The sad divisions among Christian are a scandal and discredit the Gospel message. It is not what Christ intended. This desire for Christians to re-unite has always been especially fervent for catholic minded Anglicans. Over the last few decades, groups of Anglicans have approached the Holy See expressing a desire to be received corporately into the Catholic Church. Rather than be absorbed into the larger Roman Catholic Church, they wished to retain the liturgical and pastoral patrimony that did not conflict with the Catholic faith.
There has been also strong desire among the last few popes to reconcile “separated brethren” into Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. This desire, coupled with the requests of Anglicans, was what helped lead to Pope Benedict XVI’s promulgation of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus that provided for personal “ordinariates” for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic Church.
We have recently purchased property for the Church, and expect to be moved in by June or July 2023. Read more about it here.
Read more about the Ordinariate here and about our emerging community in Western North Carolina here.