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  • Joshua Johnson

March Newsletter

In this newletter:

1. Progress Report - How you can Help 

2. Upcoming Sundays

3. Bishop's Visit March 24

4. Easter Triduum

5. Bishop's Appeal

6. Canongate Play: Little Women (March 22-24)

7. Scott Hahn Event at Immaculate Conception (April 8-9)

8. Mass Intention Calendar Open


Progress Report

As you can see, we are nearing the second status / benchmark of being able to apply for Quasi-Parish Status. 

Here's how you can help grow our mission: 

  1. If St. Edmund's is your parish, attending the Sunday 11am (save sickness or out of town travel) is one of the biggest things you can do to contribute to our growth. It is also important for being formed more deeply as a disciple through our liturgy and fellowship.  

  2. Pledging towards the General Fund. Currently we are breaking even on our general fund, but a good part of this is due to visitors and part time parishoners who support us (thank you!). Currently 15 of the 28 registered households have pledged or set up a recurring online gift. Pledging helps us know how much we can count on and is an important part of your commitment to the parish. I am very grateful for all who are giving, and ask all parishoners who have not already to solidify their committment by taking a minute to fill out this pledge form. Through the form, you can either request envelopes or set up a recurring gift.

  3. Prayer and Volunteering commitments. Click on the links to make a prayer commitment or find out more about an area in which you can serve!

Our hope is that in the second half of the 2024 we will reach the benchmarks to apply for quasi-Parish status. To do this we will need:

  1. 20% increase in Sunday attendance

  2. $30,000 increase in the annual budget at minimum to bring the priest to part time support, but preferably $50,000 to increase parish staff, get a lawn care contract and account for other increasing costs. Aside from the priest, there is one part time staff keeping the church in good working order and one volunteer doing administrative work. As we grow, the amount of faculity and administrative work will increase, and more staff hours will be needed.

  3. Through our receptions into the Church in Easter and other applications, we should reach the 50 Ordinariate members required.


Upcoming Sundays

  1. This Sunday: Mothering Sunday: “Lent IV is also known as Rejoice/Laetare Sunday (liturgical color is Rose). The tradition on this Sunday was to visit your mother parish where you were baptised. It became the original Mother's Day since our mothers are made in the image of the Church (the secular Mother's day was a 20th c. rival)." -Explanation from Fr. Tipton at St Aelred's. At the end of each Mass, we'll have flowers for all Mothers. Happy Mothering Sunday! 

  2. Next Sunday is Passion Sunday: 1) The statues and crucifixes are covered. 2) The "Glory Be" is not said in the Mass or Office until Easter. 3) We will pray the Litany before Mass to mark the start of this Solemn time. 

  3. Palm Sunday / Beginning of Holy Week: We begin outdoors with the Palm Gospel and Blessing of Palms, followed by a Solemn Procession around the property and into Church. The Passion according to Mark will be read in a narrative form by the Priest, Deacon and Subdeacon.


Episcopal Visit of Bishop Steven J. Lopes to St. Edmund’s

Palm Sunday

March 24, 2024

Luncheon to follow Mass. 

Space may be limited. Please RSVP!

This will be the first pastoral visit of our beloved bishop and a great opportunity to meet him and celebrate the growth and progress of our mission!


Bishop's Appeal

"The theme of the 2023 Bishop's Appeal is "He was known to them in the breaking of the bread" calling us to evangelization, welcoming new people to a life-changing encounter with the living Christ who is present in and through his Body, the Church. The key ingredient to reaching the Bishop's Appeal goal of $525,000, is your participation. Our Parish has a goal of $1,500 for this year's appeal. If 15 St. Edmund's parishoners each donate $100 we will reach the goal set for us. Help Bishop Lopes and your Ordinariate family proclaim Christ to the world. Visit


Mass Intention Calendar Open

Mass is the most powerful prayer that can be offered! Fr. Johnson says Mass every day, either at St. Edmund's, at his home chapel or at Immaculate Conception. The customary offering is $10 for a Mass, but as it is an offering it is never required. The online request form includes a link to pay online, or you can always fill out a request envelope in the vestibule.

  1. Schedule a Mass Intention for birthdays and anniversaries of baptisms, weddings, ordinations and deaths. 

  2. When a prayer need comes up, schedule a Mass. 


Other Local Events


Mass & Confessions Schedule

Sunday: 11am (Confessions 10:15am)

Wednesday: 12:10 pm (Confessions 11:30am)

1st & 3rd Saturdays: 5pm (Confessions 4:15pm)

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