Advent is antithetical to our "can't wait / instant gratification" culture...But waiting, discipline and anticipation are just what we need to be properly disposed for the graces of Christmas!
An efficacious Advent takes intentionality, planning and determination:
Let's get off to a good start!

Saturday, November 27
The trees are bare and winter is close at hand. Prepare for Advent by reflecting on nature in waiting for our Saviour!
Picnic Lunch & Advent Hike
12:00 pm at Carl Sandburg Park
1800 Little River Rd, Flat Rock, NC 28731
Bring your own picnic lunch, then enjoy a beautiful moderate 3 mile loop trail to the top of Glassy Mountain. After hike, pet the goats!
3:00pm at Immaculate Conception, Lower Level
208 7th Avenue West, Hendersonville, NC 28791
Solemn Mass for 1st Sunday of Advent
4:00 pm in the Lower Level Chapel
Chili Cookoff Dinner after Mass
Dinner will be in St. Francis Hall at IC after Mass. If you would like to bring a crock pot of chili, or bring potatoes to be baker or another side, contact Kathy Shechet at kathleen.r.shechet@gmail.com.

Other Upcoming Events
Wednesday Study on the Sacraments in Canon Law
Morning Prayer at 7:20am at IC Chapel followed by teaching and study in conference room
Monthly Adult Study and Social
Thursday, Dec 7, 6:30 pm at Shechet Residence
Wine and Cheese Social Hour followed by Teaching and Discussion on Pope John Paul II's Veritatas Splendor
St. Nicholas Day Celebration (Boy Saint)
Dec 6: Details TBA
St. Lucy Day Celebration (Girl Saint)
Dec 13: Details TBA